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MuzMatch bills itself as the world's largest Muslim dating app, and says 35% of its members are of Arab ethnicity.It's available in 16 languages, and has users in 190 countries. It follows a format basically identical to Tinder. So identical, in fact, Tinder's parent company is suing MuzMatch for copying them. MuzMatch is halal, and meant for those seeking marriage. Dating Cupid you can connect with format of compatible Arab singles and meet a perfect person for lasting relationships and marriage. Hayat is one of the many dating apps created by Jaumo, a well-known German dating application. Not to dating the wide market application culture Arab region, Hayat was created specifically to cater to Dating. Dating someone from a different culture is tough. It gets even harder if the person you like is from an Arabic country. Middle Eastern dating is hard to explain and experience. Especially if you are from non-Arabic country. Though, it's not that bad. Knowing these 5 rules will make your dating experience much brighter and easier for you. BuzzArab is the place for Arabs, Arab Christians, Muslims and just about everybody else who's looking for friends, dating or a life partner. Use the site, our Android app or iOS app. Arab and Muslim connections on buzzArab. Whether you're looking for friends, dating or your soulmate - buzzArab is the place for you. Hundreds of thousands of members from the US, Arab World, Europe, Canada and Australia. Hundreds of new members join each day. Communicating with other members is free, and will.
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Young people comprise the largest sectionof MENA society, which is for the most part conservative. They facemany social and financial problems in order to get married.Frequently, marriages are arranged traditionally; parents choosepartners for their children. Communication between genders can bedifficult in countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, due to culture,traditions, and religious requirements.
Salamz, an application for smartphones,was created to solve this problem. Available in both Arabic andEnglish, it was designed to target serious marriage-seekersespecially in the MENA region. Eventually, other languages will besupported such as French, Indonesian, Malay, Urdu, Turkish, andRussian.
Salamz works almost the same way asTinder. Hammam AlGhourany, executive manager of Rocket Tech fordeveloping applications, says the app is very simple: Afterregistering and setting the search options, users can seecompatible profiles, which include a picture and some basicinformation. Therefore, users can like or dislike while scrollingto other profiles. These steps are conducted confidentially, so nouser can know others’ views of him or her. In cases of mutualattraction, the two sides will know and get a private chatindicating a follow-up option.
Market analysis andproduct
Based on the research carried out byRocket Tech Company in the regional market, a large proportion ofyoung people want to choose their partners on their own. Moreover,many young expatriates express a preference for partners from theircountries of origin, but they face difficulties in communicationbecause of distance. All of this has contributed to a servicedesigned to facilitate communication between those who want to getto know each other well before marriage, according to the customsand traditions they follow.
“Salamz is for serious relationships andmarriage. This app will not eliminate traditional marriage, butprovides another option for those who want to communicate easilywith the other, and get to know someone well before gettingmarried.”
In doing market research, AlGhouranysays, “most users accepted the idea and encouraged us. They sawthat it could help youth who try to find serious relationships.Others were more skeptical and told us that it can be misused, orwill be a challenge for the society and culture.”
After launching at the end of August,Salamz has been downloaded more than 2,500 times, with more than1,000 active registered users. The majority of Salamz users comefrom KSA, followed by Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, UAE and Jordan. Maleusers account for 80%, says the cofounder, declaring that this iscommon in all dating and marriage sites and applications. In orderto attract female users, AlGhourany has launched advertisingcampaigns targeting women only. “Attracting women to thisapplication is a big challenge that needs a bigger budget,” headmits.
Development through diversemethods
AlGhourany says that traditionalcorporations regularly examine their products in research labs, anddevelop them before launching them in the market. On the otherhand, he declares, “we basically have implemented a differenttechnique: launching of the application in its primary phases[known in the industry as the minimum viable product]. Although theapplication was full of errors, it was updated quickly. Also, wegathered the users’ experiences and views.”
Further, the team updates quickly basedon user feedback. As a result, he reports users as being pleased tonote the team’s quick responses to feedback, and constant upgradingof the application.

He also adds that the team is working togenerate revenue through a monthly subscription scheme called‘Golden Member’, which enables the user to receive extra features.AlGhourany explains that 'the most important attribute is that themember can communicate with any of the users without theiracceptance of their request.”

Currently, the application’s major marketis the Arab region. Secondary markets include Southeast Asia andSouth Asia (including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, andPakistan), Europe, and Russia.
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Finally, AlGhourany shares his long-termgoals for the application, clarifying that he aims to improve userexperience and incorporate important features like notifications,integrating the app with social networking sites, and electronicpayment.
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As for funding, he says: 'We are working on the integration ofour company with the Eureeca platform for crowdinvestment, with thegoal of between $100,000 and 150,000 USD.'