Dating Site For Bald Guys

  1. Dating Sites For Bald Men
  2. Bald Dating App
  1. Bald And Handsome (64 members) Bald By Choice (40 members) Bald And Proud (36 members) Concerned About Hair Loss (28 members) Shaved Head For Aesthetic Reasons (27 members) View All. Larry David on Being Bald.
  2. Today, we’re talking about bald guys and the new online dating platform catering to their needs — specifically, their need to find someone who wants to date a bald guy. Bald Dating is the latest online dating platform from David Minns, whose previous contributions to the ever-expanding catalogue of niche dating sites include a platform for men with small penises, as well as one for singles seeking relationships with significant age gaps.

Dating Sites For Bald Men

Dating website for bald guysDating Site For Bald GuysDating Site For Bald GuysDating site for bald guys
Does anyone know of a credible dating site for bald men to find bald women for dating? I have searched extensively online, and have found nothing beyond a very extensive array of fake sites, etc. Of course, all of the 'normal' dating sites allow one to set search parameters such as 'bald', but I have found that those produce very limited results. Perhaps there actually aren't that many bald women out there to find. In this forum, the section with female bald posts number about 0.5% of the male posts, so perhaps that is indicative of the ratio in society as well; something like one bald woman for every 200 bald men, so maybe there are no specialty sites for finding a bald woman due to a lack of demand.
If not, are there any legitimate sites for women seeking bald men, so that men can search for them specifically? Again, search results online produce lots of fake sites, but few if any credible ones.
Finally, some comments about an experience last year. I am 48, in reasonably good shape, quite handsome, but a NW5 to NW5.5. I keep it shaved. When I wear a cap or hat, women talk to me a lot and smile at me a lot. When the cap or hat comes off, it's like I'm a pariah. I've lived with this for years, as have many. I overcame my baldness problem enough to find and marry two very lovely women, but I ultimately divorced both for other reasons that often end relationships, even for guys with hair. But, since my final divorce over 6 years ago, zilch. In my experience, women online typically rule out guys who are bald. Again, it's the pariah syndrome. I know some bald guys don't experience this, but many do. Last year, out of frustration, I decided to try to find a blind women who wouldn't give a damn if I have hair or not. I joined a website for dating people with handicaps, in search of an attractive blind woman. I think the site was a total scam, because all of the women (and there weren't many) were from out-of-state and I was spammed constantly by women with other handicaps asking for money, etc. What a fouled-up experience! I closed my account after a month or so of seriously searching and never looked back. You would think it would be easy to find a nice bald woman or blind woman, but it damn sure isn't! Has anyone else been down either road?

Bald Dating App

Bald Guys Online Dating - Meet Women Who Love To Date Bald. A bald dating site was the obvious choice, but the quality of dating sites out there was low, so I decided to start one myself. Before I knew it, SingleandBald became the largest dating site for women looking for single bald men.