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It’s not too late for love. The entire inspiration for this article was Erikson’s psychosocial stages.

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When it comes to real estate it's all about 'location, location, location,' and unsurprisingly, these same factors can affect your romantic life, too. Certain cities attract certain crowds, then there's the numbers game of putting the odds in your favor. For instance, ratios of gender and single-to-coupled-up folks, general living costs, and sheer population all come into play when determining the best cities to find love.

That's why WalletHub weighed these factors (and many more)for determining 2019's Best & Worst Cities For Singles list. Other stats included average date costs, nightlife options, and restaurants, coffee shops, and social clubs per capita. 'Some cities are more desirable for those looking to find love simply because they offer more dating opportunities,' says Jill Gonzalez, an analyst for the site in an email to The Zoe Report. 'In these cities, there is a variety of recreational options and fun things to do: more restaurants, more nightlife options, but mainly, a higher percentage of single people.'

While the list features 182 cities across the US, ahead, see Wallet Hub's top 10 best and worst places to be single and ready to mingle. Not in the hotspot for love? Experts weigh in on tips and tricks for dating, no matter where you are in the world.

The 10 Best Cities For Singles Looking For Love:

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Denver, CO
  • San Francisco, CA
  • San Diego, CA
  • Portland, OR
  • Chicago, IL
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Madison, WI
  • Seattle, WA
  • Portland, ME

The 10 Worst Cities For Singles Looking For Love

  • Hialeah, FL
  • Shreveport, LA
  • Winston-Salem, NC
  • Yonkers, NY
  • Columbia, MD
  • South Burlington, VT
  • Brownsville, TX
  • Glendale, CA
  • Pembroke Pines, FL
  • Pearl City, HI

If You Live In A City That's Less-Than-Ideal For Finding Love ...

Are you 'single and looking' in a city that didn't earn high ranks or (*gulp*) landed toward the bottom of the list? Steve Dean, Online Dating Consultant at Dateworking and host of the Modern Connection podcast, says not to lose hope. 'There are always creative options for finding good people,' he assures. 'I learned this the hard way when trying to date in a one-square mile town.' He suggests checking out the online dating scene, including local members on widely used dating apps as well as 'unique dating subcultures' that may be popular among singles in the area.


However, 'If the internet fails you, take things to the real world and check out the local cafes, co-working spaces, and community hubs, asking folks you meet what sorts of things they do for leisure [and] meeting new friends,' says Dean. 'Common catch-all spaces/activities include intramural sports leagues, rock gyms, running clubs, startup events, art galleries, lecture series, and bustling coffee shops.'

Quin Woodward Pu, Nationwide VIP Matchmaker for Three Day Rule Matchmaking, advises using personal connections to meet potential partners. 'Do your friends and coworkers know you are single and looking? Don’t be afraid to ask those closest to you for help with an introduction — they want to see you succeed!'

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If You're Moving Someplace New ...

While finding your soulmate may not be reason enough to relocate (or maybe it is?) those looking for a long-term partner should consider this when seeking a change of scenery. 'There are many factors that affect your ability to find love, and plenty of them are completely out of your control,' admits Woodward Pu. 'That being said, you can stack the odds in your favor by dating in cities with a few key advantages: the size of the dating pool, economic opportunity, and culture.' However, she warns, 'Cities with enormous populations (NYC and LA, for example) can sometimes provide the tragedy of choice. In that case, you must prioritize your must-haves as a general starting point to make the dating pool more manageable. The key is in the segmentation of the dating population: Are the single people within your preferred age range? How’s the gender ratio?'

Furthermore, she recommends finding a local culture that matches your preferences. 'I say 'culture' because every city has its own style, and the key is finding the city that matches your style. DC is a 'happy hour city,' while some of my clients in Boston prefer brunch. Several of my West Coast clients would much rather have an active date, like surfing or a strolling down the Venice Beach Boardwalk.'

Gonzalez adds other things to consider. 'Two things should be of importance for a single person looking to relocate: social life and job market,' she says. 'Having various activities to choose from makes dating a lot easier. A strong job market is also key. Since the average cost of a date is over $100, it's important to have a good job to be able to afford going on dates.'

If Cost Of Living Is Affecting Your Dating Life ...

More on money: While the notion isn't romantic, the reality is, dating can get pricey. 'Cities with high-salary jobs will tend to have more people with the financial ability to date,' Woodward Pu points out. However, those with limited budgets shouldn't let their love lives fizzle; instead, the matchmaker encourages them to get creative. 'Dates don’t have to be expensive, but they do have to be thoughtful. Fifty dollars in Washington, DC — one of the most expensive cities in America to buy a cocktail — can get you and your date two happy hour drinks each and a shared appetizer, and that’s a totally acceptable first date (not to mention the perfect length of time when you’re just getting to know someone). If that still seems too steep, how about a walk in a city park and cute picnic and a bottle of wine?'

Gonzalez agrees. 'Even if you live in a city with fewer options for dating activities, or you're dating in a city that's not exactly affordable, you could still have a healthy social life. For example, budgeting for your dates is always a good idea so that you don't lose track of the amount of money you spend. You could also consider no- or low-cost activities, like going out for coffee, or taking a hike.'

Yes, some cities are more conducive to dating than others. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is to seek opportunities and seize the ones that come your way. 'Sometimes, you have to be your own matchmaker,' says Woodward Pu. Whether online, at a local hot spot, or being set up by a friend, 'you shouldn’t be embarrassed about using every opportunity available to you to meet someone new.'

Erik Erikson was a psychologist who famously developed the stages of psychosocial development.

Each of these stages constitutes a crisis every human will experience during his or her lifetime. One’s ability to meet, overcome and advance past these crises is paramount to his or her development.

One of these crises constitutes falling in love.

Before falling in love, humans encounter the “identity crisis,” which occurs during adolescence. This stage focuses on the existential question of “Who am I, and what can I be?”

That question alone triggers memories of my own identity crisis as a young teenager dealing with the onset of puberty. I would get angry at the drop of a hat, and I struggled to understand my place in the world.

What was my purpose, and what was I going to do with my life?

Successfully exiting the identity crisis stage is an essential precursor to adulthood, as teenagers leave their youth behind and start to grow up.

For me, conquering this stage took an incredibly long time. Erikson defines this state as beginning as early as 13 and ending around 19.

However, I was in my 20s when I battled with my identity crisis.

Now, a major downside of failing to conquer a stage in Erikson’s allotted time period is the fact that it leaks into the next phase of your life.

As a teenager, one can get away with avoiding the pressures of adulthood like committing to a career and acknowledging the real world. However, as an adult, I was still hesitant to make important life choices.

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Ultimately, it’s safe to say my identity crisis didn’t wrap up until I was in my early 20s. (To read more about how I overcame that part of my life and finally grew up, check out this article.)

After the identity crisis stage comes falling in love, or the “intimacy” stage. This is where the competing forces of love and loneliness emerge.

Text-savvy Millennials perusing Tinder find themselves pondering the existential question of “Can I love?”

Erikson posits that during this stage, young adults start to form relationships as they learn about commitment and sacrifice. This preps them for the next stage of life, which includes marriage and beyond.

Erikson’s timeline for the intimacy stage starts at age 20 and concludes at age 24.

When I first read about Erikson’s psychosocial stages, I was 24 years old and had never been in a relationship before.

Reading Erikson’s work was a punch to my gut because suddenly, I found myself pondering Erikson’s question.

Could I love?

As a late-blooming 24-year-old, I felt terribly lonely. For a period of time, I truly believed I would always be alone.

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to enter a relationship at the age of 25.

Nevertheless, losing my relationship virginity was akin to a robot suddenly acquiring emotional intelligence.

The amount I learned, changed and absorbed merely through a few months of being in a relationship was absurd.

Below, I offer some tips and advice to fellow late bloomers like myself, who can’t seem to land a girlfriend:

1. It’s not too late for love.

The entire inspiration for this article was Erikson’s psychosocial stages.

At the age of 24, I was past his allotted time period where one discovers his or her ability to love. Thus, I believed my fate had been sealed.

Maybe love wasn’t meant for everyone.

Looking back, my thought process was comically dramatic.

But it was tough being surrounded by friends in blooming relationships, while my major responsibilities were checking my fantasy football team and indulging in video games.

Ultimately, you can consider this article a giant middle finger to Erik Erikson.

Sure, he was a pioneer.

Yes, his theories were brilliant.

But who’s to decide the appropriate time frame for figuring our sh*t out?

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2. It’s not rocket science.

A common theme among men who can’t seem to find girlfriends is they're terrible with women.

Quite simply, if you can’t seduce a woman, the odds of falling in love aren’t exactly in your favor.

Throughout high school and into college, I was extremely uncomfortable with affection. The mere idea of asking a woman out on a date terrified me.

In other words, I never got laid.

While my friends fell in love, formed relationships or simply slept around, I adopted a lone wolf attitude.

One of the most important changes for me was working on my social skills and confidence.

A book I cannot recommend enough is “Models: Attract Women Through Honesty” by Mark Manson. This book offers insightful, actionable and realistic tips on meeting and dating women, and it changed my life for the better.

Either way, what I came to learn about dating and relationships was quite simple: Anyone can do it.


I used to be so awkward, I often wondered how I would ever maneuver through a relationship that required me to comfortably touch, kiss and cuddle my potential girlfriend.

Well, here’s the good news: It’s pretty damn easy.

Last I checked, you kiss using your lips. If you like someone, touching him or her eventually becomes second nature.

In fact, I used to notice myself craving the touch of my girlfriend, and not in the name of lust.

In the end, the most important lesson I came to learn is when you meet the right girl, fear becomes irrelevant. You will do whatever it takes to call her yours.

3. Love is a game of strategy.

This is going to sound robotic, but falling in love with someone who graduated from the same high school as me nearly a decade prior made me realize love is really a game of strategy.

For example, attempting a relationship with a total stranger is high risk because there is no foundation for the relationship. This is why most people have difficulty establishing anything “real” in the bar scene.

Attempting a relationship with someone you meet through mutual interests is slightly less risky because you already have something in common.

So, enjoying hobbies like dancing or cooking classes can serve as fun, low-pressure ways to potentially meet women.

Attempting a relationship with someone you meet through mutual friends is even less risky due to social approval.

Lastly, attempting a relationship with someone you are actually friends with is your best bet because you know enough about one another to make an educated decision as to whether or not it will work out.

Ultimately, if you want to create a successful, long-term relationship, it’s important to put yourself in situations where you will meet low-risk candidates (intimate parties, weddings and social events).

If you don't find yourself in many low-risk situations, it's time to work on expanding your social network.

4. Stop searching so hard for love.

My initial reaction to Erikson’s words was panic, and I decided to kick my dating life into full gear.

At my peak, I was on,,, Tinder and Hinge. I sent loads of messages daily, which extended far beyond the realm of “hello.”

I rarely got responses.

Not only was I dating online, I was all over the bar scene. While it was fun, it was also exhausting.

Although it’s corny (and I’m not the first person to declare it), the moment I stopped searching for love and just took a breath, it practically fell into my lap.

So consider your current social situation.

Do you need to remodel your life and put yourself in situations where you can meet potential partners? Or do you need to just chill out and take a break?

For me, I just needed to take a step back and breathe.

5. Love is not a magic potion that will suddenly make everything better.

If you are depressed, unemployed and underachieving, love might mask your downfalls briefly.

But those things won’t go away until you man up and handle them. In fact, these things will eventually destroy your relationship.

As a depressed college student, I envisioned falling in love as my saving grace.

I could expose my insecurities to my girlfriend, and our acceptance and embrace of one another would be so magical, it would transcend any feelings of negativity.

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Of course, I had watched a few too many movies.

Don’t get me wrong; love is pretty incredible.

But it can also make you blind. During my relationship, I struggled to find meaning in my career while teetering between staying at my comfortable job and quitting to pursue my dreams.

Yet, instead of making a decision, I avoided committing to either path and started to drift in an unhappy state of inaction.

In other words, I was that same college kid reverting back to bad habits.

Looking back now, I used to think my girlfriend was negatively impacting the balance of my life due to her consumption of my free time.

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Of course, that “consumption” was normal. Rather, I was looking for an excuse for my inability to take ownership of my life.

Instead of realizing I was the problem, I selfishly believed our relationship was the problem.

It was that blindness that sunk our relationship.

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Don’t make the mistake of thinking love can magically fix your life. As I came to learn, it can’t.

That’s no one’s job but our own.

As a lonely man in his mid-20s, it was all too easy to foresee a future devout of love. However, I firmly believe it’s never too late for love.

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This is just a negative mindset.

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In reality, the major lesson I came to learn was not about the possibility of love.

Rather, it’s the fact that love is only a small piece of this maddening puzzle we Millennials call life.