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Plenty of Fish, Vancouver, British Columbia. 549,833 likes 8,860 talking about this. Dating Unfiltered Removing the pressure by empowering singles to discover what they're really searching for. Plenty of Fish 6,535 followers on LinkedIn. Founded in Vancouver, Canada in 2003, Plenty of Fish is one of the early pioneers in the online dating industry with one of the largest and most. Plenty of Fish Live! Allows you to go beyond a member’s profile and see what they’re like in-person from the comfort of your home. Partnering with The Meet Group, Plenty of Fish now allows members to stream themselves as they go about their day-to-day lives! Tune into other streams, pass along virtual gifts, and connect in more ways than. Plenty of Fish is a Canadian online dating service, popular primarily in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil, and the United States. It is available in nine languages. The company, based in Vancouver, British Columbia generates revenue through advertising and premium memberships.
Both lots and plenty are quantifiers used in affirmative sentences. They can be placed before singular or plural countable and uncountable nouns. Although lots and plenty are acceptable in academic writing, their usage is considered to be informal. In formal academic writing, it is more appropriate to use many, much, and more.
Lots and Plenty
Lots and plenty are called quantifiers because they describe the quantity of the noun in a sentence. A lot of or lots of can signify a large measure or quantity of a noun, whereas plenty and plenty of signifies enough and more of a noun.
Lots of and plenty of are used in the above examples with the singular, uncountable nouns peanut butter and tea. However, lots and plenty can be used with plural countable nouns as well.
People and friends are both plural countable nouns. We can count people and friends.

If used at the end of a sentence, of can be omitted from expressions using lots and plenty.
Plenty Of Fish English Version

Many, Much, and More
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Much is a quantifier that is used with singular uncountable nouns, whereas the quantifier many is used with plural countable nouns.
In these examples, toner and freedom are singular uncountable nouns, while wizards is a plural noun.
Plenty Of Fish Spain In English
Both much and many are sometimes used with of:
Unlike much and many, more is a quantifier that can be used either with singular or plural nouns.
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[...] a dollar each, [...] 'but it is not out of hunger, because thereare plenty of fishhere,' said Carlos López, resident of Tucurere. | [...] dólar. Pero no es por hambre, porque lo que sobra aquí es pescado', dijo Carlos López, habitante de Tucurere. |
Located in La Coruña, its exterior has given it the nickname of the 'Galician [...] Guggenheim'. Inside, thereisinevitablyplenty of fishand seafood. | Por fuera es conocido como el 'Guggenheim gallego' (La Coruña), por dentro, [...] como no podía ser de otra forma, el pescado y el marisco mandan. |
Thereare plenty ofhealth benefits that have been documented from eating tuna and otherfish,'Gerstenberger said. | Se han documentado muchos beneficios de salud por comer atún y otros pescados', señaló Gerstenberger. |
As you can see thereare plenty ofways to get involved! | [...] ver hay un montón de formas de implicarse! |
Already, thereare plenty ofbrazen or lazy [...] people who try to hide their lack of knowledge with the charlatanism of audiovisual aids. | [...] audaces y los flojos que tratan de disimular [...] su ignorancia con la faramalla de los instrumentos audiovisuales. |
Thereare plenty ofillegitimate ways to make [...] | Abundan las formas ilícitas de conseguir ganancias, [...] |
Sylvain Bolinois, Vice-President of Martinique Regional Council, insisted on the need to take account of the remoteness of ultraperipheral regions and their [...] specific characteristics: higher employment; different nutritional habits; and waters [...] which still haveplenty of fishstocks. | Sylvain Bolinois, Vicepresidente de la Región de Martinica, insiste en la necesidad de tomar en cuenta la lejanía de las Regiones ultraperiféricas y [...] sus rasgos específicos: desempleo más alto, costumbres alimentarias diferentes, [...] aguas por ahora con abundancia de peces. |
[...] is reminiscentofthe bonesofafishas theyareattached to the [...] back bone. | [...] evoca al de los huesos de un pescado pues se unen a la espina dorsal. |
However, thereare plenty ofindications that they take a keen interest [...] | Sin embargo, muchos elementos indican su vivo interés por la vida pública. |
Thereare plenty ofreasons that justify these measures, since the Cuban command [...] | Sobran razones para todas estas medidas, pues la inquietud sigue presente en [...] |
But while we haveplenty ofvessels that cannot findfishin European waters, or even in areas where they have traditionally fished, at the same time we have some businessmen, or even business conglomerates, in northern European countries thatarebuilding enormous new vessels, which will be forced to depend on fishing [...] | Pero mientras disponemos de innumerables buques que pueden encontrar caladeros en aguas europeas, al mismo tiempo en los países del norte de Europa hay algunos empresarios o incluso conglomerados de empresas, que están construyendo buques nuevos enormes que se verán abocados a depender de la pesca que se realiza muy [...] |
Thereare plenty ofneeds and we [...] | Son muchas las necesidades y hay [...] |
After the competition thereare plenty ofthings to do. | Y después de la competición hay muchas cosas que hacer. |
But thereare plenty ofgood traditional pubs too, for those who are thirsting for [...] | [...] también un gran número de pubs tradicionales para todos aquellos sedientos de historia y [...] unas cuantas copas. |
Plenty of fish,olive oil, vegetable and self-grown herbs found near the seaiswhy the cuisine is considered very healthy. | Mucho pescado, aceite de oliva, verduras que crecen sólas, hierbas encontradas cerca del mar son las razones por la cual cocina está considerada [...] |
[...] vegetables or soupsof fish,the wines that better accompany these platesarethe whites and 'cavas'. | En el caso de las sopas y las cremas como los purés de verdura [...] o las sopas de pescados, los vinos que mejor acompañan a estos platos son los blancos y cavas. |
[...] pairing with most platesof fishand seafood thataretasted next to the sea. | [...] mayor parte de los platos de pescado y marisco que se degustan junto al mar. |
Improved managementof fishstocks whichare ofinterest for both industrial [...] use and human consumption, such as blue whiting, will also be proposed. | También se propondrá mejorar la gestión de las poblaciones de peces que presentan [...] [...] humano, como, por ejemplo, la bacaladilla. |
While the latter need specific slaughtering methods, and thesearewell covered by legislation, fishing generally involves the direct killingof fishwithout any resort to specific slaughtering methods. | Mientras estos últimos necesitan métodos de sacrificio específicos, regulados mediante actos legales, la pesca generalmente implica la muerte directa del pez sin recurso a métodos de sacrificio específicos. |
[...] illustrate the importance of this [...] region: therearemore than 500 speciesof fish,66 coral species [...] [...]of manatees, in addition to several species of sea turtles. | [...] importancia de esta región: son más de 500 especies de peces, 66 especies [...] de corales y una de las poblaciones [...]más grandes que hay de manatíes además de varias especies de tortugas marinas. |
In Bamako, up to 50 000 tonsofdriedfish aresold, all dried in the open [...] | En Bamako, se venden hasta 50.000 toneladas de pescado deshidratado, todo [...] deshidratado al aire libre expuesto al polvo y a las moscas. |
The urgency is clearly illustrated by one extraordinary statistic: [...] 20 million tonnesof fish arebeing discarded [...]worldwide every year, equivalent to about one quarter of total world catches. | [...] estadística extraordinaria: cada año se desechan en el mundo 20 [...] millones de toneladas de pescado, equivalentes a una [...] |
It is probably the best-publicised culprit, but thereare plenty ofothers and not just the low-cost carriers. | Probablemente sea el culpable con una mejor publicidad, pero existen muchos otros y no solo los operadores de bajo coste. |
Thereare plenty ofgood reasons [...] | Existen buenos motivos para considerarlo [...] |
Thereare plenty ofother dishes to enjoy. | Hay muchos otros platos de los que se puede disfrutar. |
It is a highly questionable policy, but even if it were [...] justifiable, thereare plenty ofother ways the CNDH [...] | [...] pero, aun si fuese justificable, hay muchas otras maneras [...] en que la CNDH podría haber contribuido a salvar esta iniciativa. |